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Hunted Flame Page 9

  “I think I might let you tie me up as long as you can make it feel this good.” She leaned her head against the wall.

  “I promise it will feel that good or better. Why don’t we go back to bed before the other two notice we’re not there and worry?”

  They probably would notice if she and Phoenix didn’t return to bed. All of the men were so protective, and they seemed to care. The touches and the way they listened, it all deepened the growing emotion. If she didn’t watch it, she’d fall in love with them.

  “All right.” She nodded. “I might be able to go to sleep.”

  “We’ll keep you safe, and we’ll finish this. We will catch these hunters.” He pressed a kiss to her head.

  She grimaced. Hopefully, that would happen before anyone else was hurt.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Okay, he’d surprised her. Tempest strolled along beside Noah. He was off today. Unfortunately, they weren’t cuddling, touching, and tasting at home. That didn’t seem to be in the cards.

  Instead, he strolled beside her as they made their way down to the pool, café, and recreation area. A black jacket covered his white sweater, and blue jeans molded to his legs. He’d insisted on going even when she’d tried to distract him with a strip tease. Some hot time exploring that big body sounded so much better than a walk.

  “So, are we going to get something to drink?” She tightened her fingers on his.

  The stubborn man wouldn’t tell her anything about what they were going to do. “You’ll see” became old after the first three times. She brushed at a speck of dirt on her blue jeans.

  “Yes, we’ll probably get a drink. Maybe a snack as well, but that’s not why we’re here.” Noah kissed her cheek.

  “You know, I foresee a long scavenger hunt in your future for Christmas or your birthday.” She shook her head. That teasing deserved some frustration in turn. “With a lot of cryptic clues.”

  “You know once you start something, it will snowball rapidly. Everyone will get in on it.” Noah laughed.

  “For you, I’m willing to take the chance.” She lifted her eyes to the nearly cloudless sky. He had a lot to learn about her. As if a threat would dissuade her.

  “I like the sentiment and hope you’ll use it a different way someday soon.” He tugged her close.

  Laughter rose in the air along with the occasional shrill scream. She lifted her head. A young boy ran across a field in pursuit of two other children. Adults stood watching the rowdy play. Maybe a few stood guard as well, in case anything happened. Not a bad idea considering someone had rammed their way through the gate.

  “Now, I’m sure that depends on how happy you make me. Do you think teasing me makes me happy?” She lifted an eyebrow. Not that she’d change him at all. She leaned against him.

  “I know a certain type of teasing that you really love.” Noah’s eyes swept down to her breasts.

  “It’s not that type of teasing that’s currently on my nerves.” Tempest poked a finger into his chest. And he was so good at making her body burn. Too bad, they’d have to wait to get in a little play.

  He squeezed her hand. “You won’t have to wait too long.”

  “Maybe you could try to simply tell me what we’re doing.” She faced forward. Probably not going to happen. He was stubborn as well as a tease.

  “Wait about two minutes more. I think you’ll realize what we’re doing by the time I seat you at a table.” Noah tugged her hand leading her up the sidewalk toward the café and its array of outdoor tables.

  “I’ll wait, but you know I’m not patient.” She strode down the walk with him. All too true.

  He led her past the entrance to the café and toward the tables. More people sat at the white tables than she’d expected. The day was perfect, not too much of a breeze, but it was still on the nippy side. She raised her brows. What did he have planned? He stopped in front of a table occupied by a black haired woman and a black haired male.

  “Hi, Brad, Jenny, thank you for meeting us.” Noah nodded. He pulled a chair out for Tempest. “This is Tempest.”

  “No problem, I know there are questions that sometimes need answers from others going through it or who have been through it.” Brad nodded.

  “My treasure, I’m leaving you here while I get us something to drink. Do you want something hot or cold?” Noah rubbed his hand over her shoulders.

  “Something hot. Tea or hot chocolate. Tea won’t have the same effect as coffee, will it?” She cupped her hands over his briefly.

  “No, tea will be fine. There haven’t been any reactions to tea at all. I’ll be right back.” Noah patted her. “If anything happens, Brad will take care of you until I can get there.”

  “We’ll be fine.” She smiled. There wasn’t likely to be trouble, but if there was, he’d get back to her. “I’m glad to meet you. This is all a big surprise to me.”

  “He didn’t tell you anything before you walked over here?” Jenny titled her head.

  “No hint at all, so I’m sort of sitting here trying to get my thoughts in order about everything I wanted to know.” She turned and glared at Noah’s back. Her mind spun with ideas. “A little preparation would have helped so much.”

  “He might not have wanted you to worry about it. They’re big on that.” Jenny reached over and touched her hand.

  “He likes to tease.” Tempest smiled. And it was a wonderful trait, even if it did frustrate her at times.

  “Yes, I do. Here, my treasure, they had a hot sweet berry tea that I thought you’d like.” Noah put a cup down in front of her and slid into the seat beside her. He slipped his arm around her.

  “You’re drinking tea, too?” Tempest glanced up at Noah. “You can drink coffee if you’d like. I don’t expect everyone to give it up just because I can’t have it.”

  “We won’t drink it in front of you.” Noah shook his head. “We don’t want to chance any accidents.”

  Jenny nodded. “Even when sitting like you are, it’s sometimes easy to grab the wrong cup if you’re right handed and he’s left handed. I almost had an accident like that. Jake, my other man, knocked it out of my hand. Unfortunately, Brad got splattered, but at least, I didn’t get any in my mouth.”

  “Yeah, the thought of those consequences are enough to keep me away from the brew. Though I love it and I do miss it. They never did tell me if the sensitivity would go away once the transformation was complete.” She glanced over to Noah. Hopefully, she could go back to drinking it, because on some days that was all that got her moving.

  “It will go away and you can go back to drinking coffee about a year after you’ve completed the first transformation,” Noah told her as he put his hand on hers.

  “Well, that’s good. How long does it take for the transformation to occur?” Tempest bit her lip and picked up her tea. Heat seeped from the cup, warming her hands.

  “It depends.” Jenny grimaced. “I transformed in a little over four months after they mated with me. It can be as much as five to six for a human. But usually falls under five.”

  “Do you notice anything different about yourself when you’re changing?” Tempest leaned forward. Although it was months away, hopefully, it wouldn’t take her by surprise. As it was, she was really nervous about it.

  “There are a couple of small things that I picked up when I was going through it.” Jenny bit her lip.

  “Like what?” Tempest took a deep breath.

  “Well, my eyesight was the first thing that I noticed. I used to wear glasses, and not readers. I couldn’t see very well at all, but slowly my eyes improved to the point that my glasses were actually preventing me from seeing.” Jenny brushed her hair back from her face.

  “Any other ways?” Tempest asked, then took a sip from her cup.

  “Strength. I had to learn to modify how I grip things. I broke two phones before I managed to do it.” She smiled.

  “Does the transformation hurt?” Tempest licked her lips. Pain sucked.

sp; “Ah, not really. I wouldn’t call it comfortable the first time, but it’s definitely not painful. It’s more the unusualness.” Jenny grimaced. “And I fought it a little, because I was scared. So, it might be a little different for you.”

  “As long as it’s not ripping pain, I think I can deal with it.” Tempest nodded. Better than she’d hoped. The thought of ripping skin and breaking bones had given her a few nightmares. “Are you back to your normal routine now?”

  “Pretty much. I’m still training to learn the skills as a gargoyle, but I’m back at work and don’t have issues with my change. If that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Sort of. How long did it take you to get control of the change?” Tempest bit her lip. Because she’d have to wait at least that long before getting back to her life.

  “Maybe six months at most after it started. I was able to go to work and live life in-between that. When the problems did occur, it was when I was stressed and I just stayed home that day. It’s easier for those who are changed. Maybe it has something to do with being an adult, or maybe it has something to do with all the hormones raging around in those born as gargoyle in their younger years. Transition hits usually around the time when hormones are raging.” Jenny lifted a shoulder.

  “You should be able to get back in school next fall,” Noah cut in. “I know it’s months away, but it’s something you can look forward to. You’ll get back to your life.” He rubbed his hand over her back. “Every transition is different, but you’ll get through.”

  “And I definitely will.” She’d be back in school next fall, she’d make sure of that.

  The meeting broke up not too long after that. She walked with Noah back to their home. It was good to have a day without any kind of trouble. Hopefully, they could keep the trend going.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Why was it, whenever she had somewhere to go, her hair wouldn’t cooperate at all? Tempest pulled the brush through her hair and frowned. She did not want to go out looking like she’d been hit by a bolt of lightning. Maybe if she braided it or put it up in a bun. The mass was wild tonight, and she hadn’t even stepped outside. A hint of wind and it would be everywhere.

  She swept it back and worked it into a simple twist, securing it with pins. Not bad. That looked a little more elegant than her previous wild woman appearance. She nodded and adjusted the strap of her deep blue dress. All done now. The guys might only be taking her to Mill’s restaurant, but it was a night out.

  She swept her hand over the flowing skirt of her dress. The gems swirled from the top of her dress to the bottom. Nice. Time to go. She grabbed her long, gray coat and draped it over her arm. They’d probably be waiting for her.

  She strolled to the living room and stopped. The three men sat in the living room. Dark suit jackets stretched over their shoulders. Damn, they were handsome.

  “Hey, treasure, you look beautiful tonight. Are you ready?” Sawyer rose to his feet. He brushed at something on his black suit pants.

  “Thank you.” She blushed and lowered her head. They always made her feel so wanted. “Yes, I am.”

  “Come on. I’m hungry and can’t wait to get back so I can eat my fill.” Phoenix swept his eyes down her body.

  “Dessert could always come before dinner,” she replied, licking her lips. Temptation like that was almost impossible to resist. His mouth between her legs always felt wonderful.

  Noah laughed as he stepped forward and took her coat, holding it up for her to slide into. “You need to eat, woman. Play will wait. Come on.”

  She rolled her eyes. At least someone was practical enough to think about the necessities. “It’s not like I’d starve.”

  “Well, you definitely wouldn’t, because we’re going to dinner.” Noah grasped her hand and tugged her toward the door. “I’ve got to make sure that you don’t get weak from hunger.”

  “A little impatient, aren’t we?” She laughed but hurried along beside him. The big man didn’t fool her. He wasn’t rushing because he thought she was hungry.

  “Definitely. The longer we take to get through dinner, the longer I have to wait to taste you.” Noah squeezed her hand.

  “And you have so much tempting flesh to nibble and lick.” Phoenix strolled up behind them as Noah opened the door. He ran his finger down the back of her neck. She shivered. Those men enjoyed teasing her way too much.

  They piled into the car and drove to Mill’s. After they pulled into a parking slot, Phoenix opened her door for her. She smiled. Delicious aromas wafted from the brick and glass building. Her stomach rumbled.

  “See. We need to feed you so that you can keep up,” Sawyer said as he strode along beside her as they walked to the door.

  “We’ll see who can’t keep up when we get back home, because I have definite hungers for you three that will take some time to fill.” She swept her eyes down his body. Such a delicious man. Each night with them got better and better.

  “Treasure, never dare a gargoyle. You’ll end up walking funny for a few days if you do.” Phoenix tapped her ass as they reached the door.

  She laughed. As if they’d every hurt her. They’d done everything to take care of her even when she’d been so suspicious of them. But a little soreness from a long night of pleasure would be sweet.

  They walked into the restaurant. Those floor to ceiling windows were wonderful, framed by sunset orange curtains. She took it all in. This was a great restaurant. Phoenix led the way to the light golden wood host stand. A redheaded man stood behind the stand, smiling as they approached.

  “Hello, Phoenix. This must be the woman I’ve heard so much about. Tempest, I think.” The redhead stepped from behind the stand.

  “Yes, Mill, this is our Tempest. Tempest, this is Maximilian Devin the Third, otherwise known as Mill. He owns this restaurant.” Phoenix stepped to the side and pulled her up beside him.

  Tempest held out her hand. According to everything she’d heard, the food here was good, and he was a funny man. “It’s great to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about this restaurant.”

  Mill shook her hand. “Good things, I hope. It’s great to meet you, too.”

  “Very good things. Ever since Jenny told me about the steaks here, I’ve been dying to try them.” She leaned into Phoenix. The scent bore out the praise.

  “I’m sure you’ll enjoy your meal. The chef is amazing, if a little temperamental.” Mill grinned.

  “Don’t let him fool you about that temperamental chef thing. It’s his brother, and they get along great.” Phoenix shook his head. He helped Tempest out of her coat and held onto it.

  She bit her lip. Maybe it would have been nice to have a brother or sister, but that hadn’t happened. Being an only child with busy parents had sometimes been lonely.

  “Let me take you to your table. Our Cim has a reservation and should be here soon.” Mill stepped away from the station. “Would you like semi-private or full public tonight?”

  “Full public is good. We’re saving all the good stuff until we get back to the house.” Sawyer waved his hand. “Where we can finish at our leisure.”

  He led them to a table and waited as they took a seat. “A waitress will be by to give you some menus and take your drink order.”

  “Thanks, Mill.” Noah pulled out a chair for Tempest.

  She sank down into the seat Noah sat beside her. Sawyer slipped in on her other side, and Phoenix took the seat across from her. He shot a frown at Sawyer. She grinned. Much as they gave each other grief, she hadn’t seen any true jealousy. A waitress in a white shirt and black pants strode over to them with their menus. Tempest ordered steak, steamed veggies, and the house fries. They didn’t take long to decide what they wanted.

  “All right, treasure, now that we have ordering out of the way, we can actually talk for a little while without interruption.” Phoenix leaned forward.

  “That sounds great. This might be a downer, but have you learned anything or made any progress on those who are after us?”
She licked her lips. When would they stop hunting her? Were they going after those they had better access to while she holed up in this walled community? Would someone else die because they couldn’t get to her?

  “Nothing new about them. They haven’t attacked any of the people we know about. That doesn’t mean they aren’t doing something, unfortunately. We looked into any of the known associates of the man who attacked you but haven’t found anything yet. If he kept in contact with others in that group, it wasn’t through any public forum.” Phoenix clenched his fist. “We want them gone just as much as you do.”

  She exhaled. Damn, waiting wasn’t easy. Even if she managed to settle everything with Phoenix, Noah, and Sawyer, she’d still have to hide away here until those hunters were caught. Their food arrived and they ate. About halfway through, Phoenix rose. She glanced up.

  Noah’s hand ran over her arm. “When you get back in college, what area of coding and software development did you intend to focus on?”

  “I’ve always wanted to try game design.” She smiled.

  “Because you like playing them, or is there another reason?” Sawyer tilted his head.

  “Well, a little because I like playing them, but also because I’ve always been interested in how they’re made.” She shrugged. “Sort of wanted to be part of making something that people would play again and again.”

  “Now, that does sound very interesting.” Noah smiled. He glanced past her. “To aid with that, I think we have something that might just give you a little hand up before you start college later.”

  Phoenix returned. He handed a bag to Sawyer. Sawyer turned and passed it to her. She took the heavy bag and glanced inside. A big box sat amid some tissue paper.

  “What is this?” She glanced up at Phoenix. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “See what’s in the box.” Phoenix laughed.