Primal Encounter Read online

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  She took a seat at the table, clutching at the unfinished wooden edge. It felt rough against her fingertips. She knew she’d probably get a splinter if she didn’t watch what she was doing but her entire body was tense. She couldn’t relax her grip. Energy and desire bubbled inside her. Claws began to push against her nails, threatening to burst free. She itched to get out of the seat, to move. The urge to walk around the room sniffing every one of the men until she discovered which one of them was her mate was almost irresistible.

  “What are the people doing here and why did they take me out of the market?” Dari asked aggressively. She really wasn’t in the mood to wait around for answers. She didn’t think she could keep the urges at bay for long.

  “What’s your name?” the silver-haired man asked.

  Dari had no doubt that he’d deliberately ignored her question. It was a not so subtle reminder that he was male with a good deal of alpha tendencies. He wouldn’t meekly answer her questions or follow her orders.

  “Dari Reshal, and my questions?” She rolled her eyes. Even though she understood that he’d want to make sure she knew he’d be in control, it was frustrating in the extreme. The gnawing urge inside her to find her mate grew with every breath. She knew there was no other choice but to let him have his way. He wouldn’t answer any of her questions until he was ready to do so.

  “Not curious about our names?” The silver-haired man raised a brow lazily.

  He looked much too relaxed but she could see the glint of amusement and determination in his eyes. She cursed that male stubborn streak inherent in most warriors. He’d respect the pack leader but he wouldn’t be intimidated by a warrior. What she wouldn’t give for a man she could scare into answering all of her questions.

  Why did he have to be so difficult? She shook her head. Why were their names so important? It wasn’t as if they’d be getting out of here in the next few moments. They’d have time later to exchange names. This all essentially amounted to a power game and it infuriated her. The light in those silver eyes told her he was purposely obstructing her. Probably just to draw a reaction.

  “What are your names?” She exhaled heavily.

  The need in her belly curled into a tight ache. Once she knew their names or at least some of them, she could get the more important questions answered. Hopefully. She didn’t know how much longer she could resist the needs. She needed to find that man. He probably knew just how much this delay was bothering her. He might not see her frustration but he had to see her tension. The only thing he wouldn’t know was why. He couldn’t know just why she wanted to get this basic information out of the way. If he knew that she had a mate among the men here, he’d probably be escorting her around the group right now. As galling as it sounded, it was looking more and more attractive as time passed. Before that happened, she wanted some answers.

  “My name is Rygar Verasain, to my left are Gavik, Sian, Marin and Alden.”

  She wasn’t going to ask if those last four had last names. It would take too much time. She just nodded. “Now can you tell me what the people are doing here? Why did they take me? That is all of your questions, right?”

  “Well, you’re supposed to be entertainment for us. The building is an arena. They pit us against other men, sometimes beasts. Don’t worry. Our pack will be coming for us.” Rygar tilted his head, his eyes on her face. Apparently he’d decided to ignore her sarcasm.

  The fact that he’d actually said the word pack did surprise her. With the human women around she’d expected him to dance around their differences. She knew it wasn’t about trusting her. He didn’t trust her or believe much that she said, but he knew she was Zarain. She’d thought it was the captors and the humans around them that merited caution. It must have just been the captors. The way he was staring at her was beginning to make her nervous.

  What did he expect to see on her face? Did he expect to find the answers there? Even if she was still part of an all-female pack, she wouldn’t have panicked. Just being taken and being in the same room with them wouldn’t have been too much of a problem. Finding her mate would have caused a few moments of sheer panic followed by a hurried effort to escape. Then, she would have tried to dig her way out of there if necessary. She’d been a little scared about mating. Before the males joined the pack, she hadn’t known much about the details at all. What she had known hadn’t been a recommendation for finding a mate. That was before she’d seen Acine Caidi and some of the other women in the Taivain with their mates. Her opinion had changed after that but she hadn’t expected to find her mate so soon.

  “I’ve told you I have a pack. If your pack rescues us, that will just get me a step closer to contacting them.” She shrugged. She could tell just by his doubting look that he didn’t believe her.

  “Contact them?” He laughed. “You really don’t give up, do you? I’m not going to suddenly believe you come from a pack so you can stop lying.”

  Dari drew in a deep breath. Anger burned inside her and she wanted to prove her words. Unfortunately that would have to wait. The scent of her mate and other males filled her senses. She let her eyes wander to each of the men close to her. He had to be one of the men at the table. None of the other men were close enough for her to catch the scent this strongly. Her eyes rested on Rygar. Hopefully not arrogant-and-thinks-he’s-always-right there. He was sexy and his body made her hands tingle with the urge to touch him but she’d like someone who wasn’t so…alpha and annoying.

  “You don’t look the least bit worried. Aren’t you even a little concerned about being brought here for our entertainment?” Rygar frowned and his eyes never left her face.

  So the big alpha couldn’t understand her reactions. Good. He seemed so sure of everything else that even that small fact was a victory.

  “I’m not worried. Even if I was going to be here for months and I did have sex with someone, nothing would change really. If you thought I’d become a screaming, hysterical woman, you’re wrong.” She shrugged and managed not to roll her eyes.

  “You’re not scared of staying her with us. Do you think we’ll just let you disappear? We won’t be letting you go when we’re rescued. It’s time you had a pack.” Rygar looked as if he expected her to bolt immediately.

  “I have a pack.” She glared at him.

  “You think they’ll come to your rescue?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “If I didn’t get out on my own, they would. Beside that fact, I felt other Zarain as they marched me through the street. We probably won’t be here much longer,” Dari explained. She shook her head at his continued blindness. There wasn’t much she could do about it right now.

  She’d been trying to keep her mind off sex as much as possible. Goddess, she’d deliberately ignored that part of his explanation. Focusing on the facts and his arrogance, she’d managed to keep from getting out of her seat and going to sniff each of them. She knew it was short-term success. She wouldn’t be able to hold off the need long. Not when she knew he was right there. Almost close enough to touch. The thought made her fingers tingle.

  She’d been lucky so far. Her mate hadn’t scented her. Most of the fresh air coming into this room seemed to be coming from somewhere behind the men. He would notice her scent and what she was to him. Probably soon. Then waiting, talking, explaining would be forgotten. Right now, she was having a hard time remembering just why the explanations were so important. Maybe she should just get up and go find him. Her explanations hadn’t gotten her anywhere. She didn’t think she’d be able to make them believe that she had a pack until she actually had word back from Oroyai pack or maybe even when they saw one of the males from her pack.

  Before she could decide what to do, Rygar stood. He was handsome and she couldn’t deny she was attracted. The intense feeling made her wonder if it was possible that he was the one. His silver-blond hair swung over his shoulder as he moved. She liked the color, its length. When he started around the table with easy coordination, she forgot about why she liked
his hair. His gorgeous body filled her mind. She watched the play of muscle in his arms and beneath his tight pants.

  “If you’re right, we won’t be here long. When we get out, you’ll come with us. You’ll finally learn what life with the protection of a pack is like. Maybe you’ll find your…” His hands settled on her shoulders and his voice just stopped.

  She turned to look back at him but she already knew what was wrong. His hands tightened on her shoulders. His eyes were wide and he looked stunned. She almost felt some satisfaction at his obvious reaction. Even as she watched that blank look changed. Heat flared in his silver eyes.

  “Mate!” He lifted her to her feet. “You knew?”

  “Not who, but yes, I knew one of you was my mate. I caught your scent as I followed you across the room.” She turned in his arms and gave in to the need to touch him.

  Her fingers glided over the nubby surface of his shirt. She could feel the warmth of his skin radiating through the cloth, wanted to feel more. He pulled her close. Their bodies pressed together from thigh to chest. She felt his chest expand as he inhaled again. He was taller than she’d thought he’d be. Although she was tall for a woman, he was taller. She could feel the strength in his arms. In a way, she felt small, almost delicate, cradled in his arms.

  One of his legs slipped between hers. His hips rocked against hers. Anticipation locked her breath in her throat. She felt the thick ridge of his cock press against her belly. His hands cupped her buttocks lifting her off her feet. She gasped and her fingers clutched at the sturdy fabric of his shirt. Even though she knew he wanted her as much as she did him, she didn’t want any distance between them. His lips slashed over hers, taking advantage of her surprise-parted lips.

  She felt the sharp tips of his lengthened canines. Her eyes widened. Excitement surged through her. His tongue stroked into her mouth. His spicy musk smell seemed to grow stronger. She could almost taste it. The hands at her waist tightened, rocking her against him. She wanted him but an image of the large open room filled her mind. Admittedly, there were shadowy areas that could hide doorways but she knew of only the one large room. No privacy. She didn’t want to mate in front of the other men. She pushed against his shoulders. That was just what was going to happen if she didn’t find some way to stop him.

  She grabbed his hair and pulled, turning her head to the side at the same time. A few more moments of this and she’d let him do anything he wanted. Her hard nipples pressed against his chest and tingles radiated from the firm contact. His thigh brushed against her pussy as he rocked into her. She could feel the slick, wet juices on the swollen lips of her labia. If he touched the fabric covering her crotch, he’d probably find the dampness. She wanted to wrap her thighs around his hips and let him take them both to satisfaction. Need had risen so high and fast that she almost couldn’t control her impulses. She couldn’t deny her desire but they needed to find somewhere else to explore it.

  Chapter Two

  Rygar frowned, a snarl growing as she pulled away from him. She drew in a shuddering breath and licked her lips. He could smell the sweet scent of her arousal. That delicious musk made him want to lay her down and lick her pussy until she was screaming for him.

  The Zarain part of him stirred as the thought that she was trying to deny him rose. She was his mate. He’d been searching for her in every woman he met. Every planet he’d visited, he’d hoped to meet her, to walk past her on a street. He’d finally found her and he wouldn’t let her go. She was beautiful and right where he wanted her.

  “My mate, my woman.” He nuzzled a few strands of golden hair away from her cheek. Most of it was bound in a braid at the back of her neck but some had escaped to frame her face. The tight curls tickled his cheek. He couldn’t resist running his hand over the soft curve.

  He drew his tongue up her neck. She shivered and a moan rolled out of her throat. Her head tilted, giving him more access. He could see her arousal in her large brown eyes. Heat slammed straight to his cock at her reaction. He wanted to draw more from her. She pressed even closer to him, giving no sign that she wanted to deny him.

  “Yours. I’m your mate,” she whispered. Her voice trembled and she moved against him.

  Her legs shifted but remained as they were. He wanted them wrapped around his hips, her clothing gone. Her golden skin seemed to glow in the soft light. The tight buds of her small breasts poked against his chest. He could feel those hard nipples through the fabric of both of their shirts. He longed to see them, to taste her as he took them into his mouth.

  “The people… Not here.” She gulped in air. One of her hands moved up to his neck.

  Her thumb brushed up the side of his neck and rubbed in small circles beneath his earlobe. She couldn’t seem to stop touching him. He wanted to feel those warm hands sliding over his chest, wrapping around his cock.

  It took him a few moments to work out what she meant. His mind was caught in thoughts of getting her clothes off her and staking his claim in every way he possibly could. Finally, he realized that she was talking about the others in the room. Looking around, he saw several men’s eyes on them.

  He growled and his hands tightened on her buttocks, tugging her closer. He instinctively moved to shield her body with his. Turning, he headed for one of the shadowed corners and the doorway he knew was hidden there. Her mouth pressed against his neck and chest, dropping kisses on the exposed skin. The feel of her warm, soft mouth moving on his skin only inflamed the need pounding inside him. It made him think of what he wanted to do to that mouth and have it do.

  He carried her through the open doorway hidden by the shadows and into the bunk-lined room. His growl sent the two men unfortunate enough to be in the room running out of it. Carrying her over to his bunk, he laid her on the blanket. She reached up and pulled at his shirt, tugging it over his head and dropping it to the floor. He worked on the laces of his breeches before sitting down to pull off his boots.

  Her hand trailed over his side. For a moment, her fingers seemed to trace his tattoos and markings. He tensed as that light touch sent a searing wave of hunger ripping down his spine. Her nails scraped across the skin of his stomach. Her index finger circled his navel, dipping into the shallow indention, tickling. He jerked off his boot and froze as her fingers slipped beneath the open flap of his pants. His breath caught in his throat and his canines lengthened. Gods, he wanted her hand on his cock. Her invading hand loosened his pants even more and his cock rose into her warm fingers.

  Her fingers closed around his shaft. He wanted to push up into her touch but held still beneath the light, almost tentative quest. He didn’t want to frighten her away from her exploration. She squeezed gently and her thumb circled the broad head. He drew in a shuddering breath. Gods, she was pushing him toward insanity. Her hand began to slowly move on him. It felt like heaven. Her warm fingers stroked. The restricted movement frustrated him. He wanted to feel her fingers on his entire length in one smooth stroke.

  His fingers circled her wrist. “Wait. I want to see you before you test my control more.”

  He drew her hand away and quickly finished removing the last of his clothing. He turned and noticed that she was already unbuttoning her shirt. He took over and progress immediately slowed. There seemed to be thousands of tiny carved buttons securing the bright red fabric. The temptation to rip that shirt open grew every time one of those buttons caught in the small holes. Finally the last button slipped free and he pushed the shirt open.

  He licked his lips as his eyes traced over the light golden color of her skin to the gentle rise of her breasts and the darker brown of her nipples. Palming the small mound, he savored the softness of her skin. She moaned as he slowly drew his fingers across the tight tips.

  Lowering his head, he lapped at one dark bead. He enjoyed her indrawn breath. Her scent heightened tempting, tantalizing and the slightly salty taste of her skin filled his mouth. That arousing flavor only made him want more. Her reaction urged him to touch and explore.
He drew the pebbled tip between his lips, sucking. Her hands stroked over his shoulders as she pulled him closer. His lips worked at one breast while he plucked at the other tip with his fingers. Her hands tightened and her back arched. He lifted his head and moved to the neglected puckered peak. His tongue circled the hard tip. He scraped his teeth across the sensitive peak.

  She cried out, her hands fisting in his hair. She tugged him away from her breast as her mouth sought his. He smiled just before slanting his lips across hers. Her tongue stroked along his as her body lifted against him, demanding, asking for more.

  His hand slid down her stomach to the waistband of her pants. Working at the laces, he struggled to remove the last barrier between them. He needed to feel her hot skin against his. Every move, every brush of her sweet strong body against his only made the need even worse. His cock ached. He could feel the blood pulsing into it. She wasn’t helping. Her cries, the scent of her arousal only increased his need.

  Finally the knotted laces released. He pushed her pants down her hips. When he got them past her knees, she kicked free of the fabric. He feasted on the sight of the golden tanned body stretched out on his bed.

  Her lips were full and reddened by his kisses. The tips of her breasts glistened in the light, wet and hard. The triangle at her thighs drew his eyes. Her legs shifted splaying a bit. The scent of her arousal increased. He could see the shimmering moisture on the tight curls covering her pussy.

  “Touch me please.” She grabbed his hand, moved it to her thigh.

  Gods yes, he needed to touch her as much as she needed him to touch her. He drew his hand up her thigh, moving to the inner thigh. He had to see if she was as ready as she looked and sounded. He wanted to feel her pussy wrapped around his cock but he wasn’t going to hurt her.

  His fingers brushed through the curls. He parted the lips of her labia. Heated moisture coated his fingertips. Stroking his fingers over the hood of her clit, he enjoyed her response. Her hips lifted, encouraging him. He let his fingers wander a bit, just to tease her. She tugged at his shoulders.