Hunted Flame Read online

Page 11

  She rose. He pulled back, and his dick slid almost out of her. She tensed and shivers raced down her spine. Her inner muscles clenched. Too sweet. She lowered back onto him. He held her and stared down between their bodies. His rapt attention inflamed her.

  Her body tightened, and she rose again, unable to stay still. She clutched at his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. The pressure rose within her. He slipped one of his hands between them. Eager hunger curled within her. She rose. He flicked his fingertips across her clit, causing a spike to shoot through her. She slammed down onto him. He groaned.

  “Come for me.” He pressed on that hooded bundle.

  She jolted and her eyes closed. Stinging prickles burst through her as the knot tightened. Damn, she wouldn’t last.

  “Soon.” She rolled her hips forward. The intensity built.

  “Now.” He plucked at the bud.

  A blast of pleasure exploded through her. She ground down against him as tremors racked her body. He urged her against him and then tensed, his hips lurching up. She gasped and continued to ride out the sweet jolts. He came while she clung to him. When he pulled his hand from between them, she sprawled on top of him.

  “Now, that was good, but what are we going to do until they get back?” She braced a hand on his chest.

  “We’ll cuddle and play some more. It shouldn’t be too much longer.” Phoenix pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “Will they be all right?” She licked her lips.

  All of the men had been so sweet and supportive. The sex was good, but not even remotely close to the emotional part. She was falling for them. Hard. She swallowed around a lump in her throat. They had to be all right.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Noah patrolled along the wall that bordered the park. The winter grass crunched beneath his feet. Birds whistled in the trees above him. Nothing out of the ordinary, even for a chilly day. That wasn’t a bad thing.

  After the sighting in the night, both of the communities had extended the patrols. At the end of his route, he turned back. Better check in with the guard house. If anything was up, they’d know about it. Hopefully, this would be a quiet day.

  On top of that, Parker had called about a body that had been found beside the river. Bruises and abrasions on the wrists and ankles suggested restraint. Other marks on the body indicated extended torture. The woman had been identified. Parker had said she read tarot for people. Most likely, the hunters had been at work. The binding, the torture, even the woman’s unusual occupation, it all fit their tactics.

  He strolled up the street toward the gatehouse. The purr of an engine approached, slowly growing from a low rumble to a roar. Noah frowned. That sounded like it was accelerating. With the curves on the road, most people used a little caution, especially as night approached. A heaviness lodged low in his stomach. Something wasn’t right.

  Wheels crunched on the asphalt and then a loud crash blasted through the evening air. One of the gates flew through the air. Metal screeched and sparks flew as it grated over the road before tumbling onto the grass. Noah drew in a breath. A truck careened over a lawn and a van skidded to a halt. Noah pressed the speed dial for Phoenix. Fuck, they’d rammed through the gate.

  The phone clicked. “Hel-”

  “Get help to the gate! Get it now!” Noah ended the call and ran to help.

  Three guards rushed from the guard house. Two ran for the van and the other toward the big truck that had busted the gate. Two men tumbled from the tuck. They gripped black clubs in their hands. Not guns, but hell, did they think no one had heard that? Even now, two more men ran from their homes.

  Noah ran straight for the man on the right. The bastard raised the bar, but Noah caught it as it came down. He swung the man and pushed him against the truck. Unfortunately, he couldn’t rip him apart. Who knew if they had someone with a camera outside the damn community videoing this. They always tried to get their damn proof. No way were they getting it this time.

  The man clawed at his face. Noah punched, driving his fist into the man’s gut and then his jaw. The man staggered backward into the truck. He shook his head. Hopefully, the man’s brains had been rattled. Noah advanced and slammed another punch into the attacker’s jaw, and finally he fell to the ground.

  Two cars rounded the corner from the back of the community. They skidded to a stop. Six men, including Phoenix, piled out and ran to help with the fight. Noah exhaled, muscles loosening, and rushed to grab another of the humans. He drove his fist into the man’s gut.

  The bastard ripped free and swung the bar. It smashed into Noah’s shoulder. Pain slashed down his arm and across his clavicle. Fucking hell. He shoved the man back and drove a fist into his jaw. The man reeled but lunged forward, swinging that bar. Noah blocked. The bar slammed into his arm, sending pain lancing through him.

  Damn it, that asshole needed to go down. Noah drove his fist into the man’s gut, grabbed him, and sliced an uppercut into his jaw. The man reeled backward and dropped to the ground.

  Noah looked around. They were handling the people here, but it wouldn’t be over when these men were down. At least one of the damn men had gone into the community. They’d find the bastard.

  Thane faced off against two thugs. Noah rushed over to help. Two men circled Thane, taking swipes at him. Noah sprinted the last two steps and jumped, tackling one. He slammed a fist into his jaw. Luckily, the man was out with only one punch.

  He rose and looked around. No other opponent remained on their feet. He exhaled. But not over yet. There might still be one or two roaming around the community.

  Dante strode over to him. “What happened? And next time, call me first.”

  Noah nodded. He should have called Dante. “Phoenix came to mind first, and I needed to be quick. It was only the guys in the shack and me at first. Next time, I’ll call you. The truck rammed through the gates as I was coming back to check the security status before I did my next round. The van followed.”

  “And the fighting began.” Dante nodded. “Did everyone stay in human form?”

  “As far as I can tell. I didn’t see any change. I half expected they had someone outside the walls filming, at least until the battle turned.” Noah lifted a shoulder. Dealing with humans was harder than dealing with Gobel in some ways. At least, they could use all of their strength against a Gobel. “I think one or two of them might be loose though. I could swear I saw a man running along the grass.”

  “You did. There are at least two of them out there.” Steve strolled up to join them. “We’ll have to hunt them down. I heard a motorcycle roar away outside the community, so they did have someone out there.”

  “Any claws come out?” Dante glanced over. “We’ll search and find those two while the others are taken away to be interrogated.”

  “No, no one so much as hardened a nail. We’re good. If they had someone trying to get evidence, they didn’t get anything except their breaking and entering.” Steve shook his head.

  “The men who were taken down are in hand and secured. Let’s find these two men before they try breaking into a house,” Dante commanded.

  Noah nodded. They’d handled this attack, but more would follow.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Noah patted his pocket. Good. Still there. A little something kinky for some playtime with his treasure. Now, for some alone time with his girl since Sawyer was at his workshop, the one within the community, and Phoenix was at work. He strolled back toward the living room.

  Hopefully, there wasn’t another emergency, because a full night with Tempest had been hard to come by lately. And she should finally be past her worry over the deep bruises left by those clubs since the discoloration was gone. Not a hint of soreness remained to worry her. She’d been adamant about not causing him any pain.

  “There you are. Where did you go? You said you wanted to talk and then you disappeared on me.” Tempest scowled as she lounged on the couch. Her black button-down shirt highlighted her pale skin and f
ull breasts.

  “I went back to the bedroom. It didn’t take that long.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and sat down beside her on the leather sofa.

  “Did you go after something?” She raised a brow.

  “You are a curious woman.” He smiled and relaxed back on the couch, putting one of his socked feet up on the coffee table. All in time. Soon, he’d reveal what he’d picked up while he was gone.

  “Yes, I am curious. There are a lot of things I want to know.” She curled one jeans-clad leg under the other as she turned toward him.

  “Like what?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Aside from some of the basics, she hadn’t asked too many questions. It was a little understandable. The danger from the hunters had been the focus for a while. Hopefully, the note and papers they’d found in the car would lead them to something new that would end this. On top of that, she still didn’t fully believe she was tied to them.

  “How long have you three been together?” she asked, tilting her head. A lock of her red hair fell over her shoulder as she leaned slightly forward.

  “Not long compared to some of the other groups. We’ve all been together about five years. And definitely not compared to how long Bram and Sin have been together and searching.” Noah shrugged. The bond was strong, though it was still growing.

  “Did you meet here?” She ran her hand over his thigh.

  “No, I lived here, and Sawyer came to look over a place that wanted to commission a piece from him. I’d just returned from Florida on a trip looking for my match. We could have missed each other.” He curled his arm around her, straightening her position, and tugged her closer. They’d been lucky to find each other.

  “Did you have to talk about where you’d live?” She tilted her head. “I’m sure he had a life wherever he lived.”

  “New York. He comes from New York. We talked about it a little. Sawyer’s the youngest, and he wanted to make a path different than his brothers. Go someplace new.” Noah took her hand and laced his fingers with hers.

  “Did he fight with his brothers?”

  “Not any more than other brothers did. A fresh start is good. He wanted to stand out, not always be compared to the other Lansing brothers.” Noah squeezed her hand. How long would he be able to resist turning these minor touches into something deeper and more intimate?

  “Oh, I didn’t think about that. I guess maybe because I didn’t have a brother or sister to be compared to.” She bit her lip. “What about Phoenix? Where did you two encounter him?”

  “New Mexico. There’s an enclave of gargoyles there, but I’d actually gone there for a conference. I met him when I checked in with the Cim of that group.”

  “Did he want to move here, or did he have a home there?” She leaned closer.

  “Yes, he had a home there.” Noah grinned. Phoenix was driven and had been on his way up in his old clan.

  “Don’t mess with me, Noah. We’re here alone and could do some wonderful things. If you mess with me, it will sour my mood and you’ll have to work your way back into my good graces. Probably on your knees.” She poked him in the chest. “You know what I meant.”

  “Well, I do enjoy time on my knees as long as I can lick you.” He grinned. She always tasted delicious, and he’d happily pay that penance. “Sawyer came down there and met him. We spent a little time there. Then Phoenix came here and looked around saw how it was. I think the thing that decided it was the Cim’s company. Phoenix had been working for a human-run company. He’d have had to leave that. With the Cim’s company, that wouldn’t have to happen.”

  “Do they visit their families a lot?” She tilted her head. “Are they still close with them?”

  “I think Sawyer’s relationship with his brothers has improved with the distance. Less friction between them. We visit them at least two or three times a year. Phoenix talks with his family a lot, especially his sister.” He pulled her into his lap. Damn, she fit so beautifully against him.

  “That’s good.” She smiled.

  “Would you like to have a better relationship with your family?” Noah asked, hugging her tight against him. Maybe they could help smooth over her relationship with her father. They’d make sure the man knew he wouldn’t be taking advantage of her.

  “I talk to my mom some, but I don’t fool myself. My father won’t change. He’ll always try to profit, regardless of right or wrong or other people’s wishes.” She grimaced.

  Noah kissed her lips. “But you wish that you could have an easier relationship with her.”

  “Yes, I guess I do.” She sighed.

  “Maybe in the future, that will happen, but we’ll be there for you. If it doesn’t, you have three other mothers to step in.” He pulled her closer. Her curves and the warmth of her body drew him. He slipped his hand beneath her shirt.

  “Maybe.” She bit her lip. “Are you ready to move to some of the interesting things we could do together?”

  “Almost.” He grinned and flicked open the button on her shirt. Each released fastening exposed more creamy skin. “I wanted to say thank you, my sweet treasure.”

  “For what? I haven’t done anything. I know you weren’t exactly thrilled that I, in your words, treated you like a child.” She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes.

  Yes, her insistence on time for him to heal had been annoying. “Because you suggested that someone should start a gaming development company. I’m going to do it.”

  “You are? That’s great. Why? I thought you had to stay out of the industry.” She ran her hand over his chest

  “Well, I do have to stay away from most of the conferences, especially local ones, but I can start a company.” He flicked open the last button on her shirt. “I don’t know yet, but I might have to hire a few humans to start with if I can’t find enough gargoyles interested.”

  The garment parted, revealing a silky red bra cupping her breasts. Oh, damn. Blood rushed south. An ache throbbed through his cock.

  “You don’t think there's be enough interest at the other enclaves. It would be easy to have workers video conference when needed. At least, until you could get more workers here.” She tapped a finger on his chest.

  “I haven’t even gotten the basics of the company planned, but that’s a good idea. It will be happening. You’ll have somewhere to work when you come out of college.” He smiled. And it would be a pleasure to ride to work with her every day.

  She pursed her lips. “So, you think that it would be a good idea for you to be my boss. What if I did something wrong and you had to fire me? Do you think that would make for a comfortable relationship at home?”

  “Treasure, one of the first pieces of advice my father gave me when I told him about this and your plans was if you worked for me, put someone else over you and don’t involve myself in it unless absolutely necessary. Which it shouldn’t be. I’m pretty sure that you would have had problems keeping jobs before if you had a tendency for scenes or outbursts. Anyone who I put as the lead will know what you are to me.” He shook his head. And that was a piece of advice he was definitely going to take. Her relationship with them was paramount.

  “No, I don’t, and that might work, but we’ll get to that I guess after I get out of college.” She shrugged.

  “It will work. Now, how about we try something a little different.” He drew his finger down her chest, hooking into her bra.

  “Different how?” she asked, a glimmer in her eyes.

  “A little role playing?” He raised a brow. Would she play sexy games with him?

  “Well, I don’t have a French maid’s costume. What are you wanting to role play?” She shifted on his lap.

  “Well, I thought we might try naughty prisoner trying to bribe her guard to let her escape.” He reached down and pulled the handcuffs from his pocket, dangling them from a finger. Having her cuffed and at his mercy would be delicious. “And a little later, the wicked guard could give the bad prisoner what she needs.”

  She grabbe
d the cuffs and turned them in her hand. “These are the real thing. Not the fake fluffy, soft covered ones.”

  “Yes, they are. I can put some fabric around them before I put them on you if you’re worried about chafing.” He raised an eyebrow. She wouldn’t bruise or chafe. He wouldn’t hook her to anything.

  “I’m not worried about chafing. I wasn’t sure that it was for me. I thought maybe I’d get to use it on you. You know, if I’m going to try to escape and all.” She leaned in close.

  “You’re trying to get me to let you run.” He laughed. Wicked woman. “Not escape from me. And these might hold me for a little bit, but not long enough.”

  “All right, let’s play. I am curious to see what you intend to do with those cuffs.” She rose to her feet.

  “You’ll enjoy it. Now, what are you doing? How do you plan to convince me over there?” He sat back on the sofa. If he were a guard being propositioned by a pretty prisoner, he’d definitely want an up close view.

  She shrugged her shoulders and let her black shirt fall to the floor. “Do you like these?” She ran her fingers along the edge of her hot red bra. One finger hooked in the strap over her shoulder and dragged it down. She eased the cup down a little, revealing the darkened crest of her areola. He drew in a slow breath. Damn, that was a tempting tease, just enough skin to make him want to see more. She bit her lip.

  “It’s pretty, but maybe you should give me a better look.” He tilted his head.

  “If you just turn your head and let me walk out of here, we could hook up outside, too.” She leaned in close, letting him look into the valley of her full breasts.

  “I don’t know if you’re worth the risk to my job, as sweet as your body looks.” He shook his head. And before too much longer, that body would be giving him wonderful delight.

  “I can make it worth the risk.” She reached behind her and unhooked the bra. As the red fabric slipped free, her breasts swayed with every move she made.